What is the Cost of a Tennis Court Construction? Artificial Turf, Acrylic and Tartan Courts
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Artificial Turf, Acrylic and Tartan Courts
To make a rational ground about tennis court cost, it will be beneficial to mention about tennis briefly.
Tennis is a game be played between two persons or two team each consisting two persons on a rectangle field named court. Tennis, that was invented in England, was played on grass before, that’s why it was called grass tennis. However, this game that is played on various ground type today, is named only “tennis”.
Classifying Tennis Courts
Tennis courts make a classification based on being indoor or outdoor courts. It is also possible to mention different categories based on their grounds. There are two types of Tennis Court Ground based on whether they have natural ground covering:
1- Natural Tennis Court Ground (Grass or sand)
2- Synthetic Tennis Court Ground (Artificial turf, Acrylic or Tartan)
Since different materials and techniques are used in preparation of all types of grounds, costs vary.
The Factors Determining Cost of Synthetic Tennis Court
Since maintenance cost is also matter in addition to natural court ground construction cost, even these costs are increased within years, we will focus on synthetic ground in this text.
In addition that ground lower filler is a fixed item in synthetic ground cost, prices of synthetic materials might vary.
It is required to lay an asphalt or reinforced concrete layer below artificial turf, acrylic and tartan systems those are used in synthetic grounds. Acrylic systems, amongst them, can be applied only on asphalt, lower layer preference can be asphalt or reinforced concrete for other two.
If we consider asphalt as tennis court ground covering, performed processes and used materials are as follows:
As substructure in tennis courts, around the area which its leveling, meaning smoothing, is completed, bonding concrete with iron equipment 25 cm x 50 cm, is poured. Following that, on remained ground in that field, stone chips in 15 cm thickness and plentmix layer (filler layer) are laid and it is pressed and compressed via cylinder. At leas 5 cm thickness asphalt is poured on filler layer, after that, the ground is pressed and compressed again. Lastly, asphalt layer with fine granular that is produced specially for sports fields in 5 cm thickness is laid and it is pressed one more time via cylinder.
The amount of asphalt, iron, reinforced concrete, stone chips and plentmix used, are stable elements of the cost of synthetic ground covering above asphalt. Certainly, cost calculation should be made over current prices.
The Effect of Tennis Court Sizes on The Costs
Naturally, the thing determining borders of the costs for tennis court is border of the field.
The most basic criteria that is determined by International Tennis Federation (ITF) requires that the field where tennis ball is tried to keep inside and its surrounding should be 668 square meter. That field size corresponds 36,57 meters in length and 18,27 meters in width.
For instance, if we consider the ground of acrylic tennis court, tennis court construction stages continue as follows. Asphalt ground is cleaned well by using compressed air and water. Filler materials (Acrylic Covering) is applied on cleaned surface. On filler material, 2 layer of Cushion is applied in Cushion Acrylic System is requested. On cushion layer, if Cushion Acrylic System is not requested, directly acrylic covering (Acrylic Resurfacer) and 2 layer of acrylic color (Acrylic Procoat) is applied and tennis court construction is completed. After that, game lines are drawn, posts are set up and tennis net is stretched as upper structure compounds.
As it can be seen in acrylic or cushion acrylic ground application on asphalt, there are various components determinant regarding the cost of tennis court.
About artificial turfs, according the standards those are determined by ITF, it is required to use artificial turfs between 20 mm and 30 mm. About tartan grounds that is one of the most appropriate grounds for court construction, ITF standards require applying 8 mm SBR granular and 5 mm EPDM granular on that.
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